Take Evans Data's Game development Survey, Enter Drawing for $500.
Evans Data is a market research firm focused on software development. Today we have a short survey for developers working on game applications. Please take this short survey. You'll get to tell companies about your usage of their developer community resources. AND, you will be automatically entered in a drawing for $500 along with receiving a $10 Amazon gift certificate, just for completing this short survey.
To take the survey, please go to:
Remember, this is your chance to shape community offerings for visual computing for game development. This survey will be used by the largest providers of technologies in the world to plan new tools and community resources, so your participation is important.
To take our survey and enter the drawing, please go to:
All results are aggregated and presented in tables and graphs and used for product planning. Your personal information is completely confidential and never given to anyone under any circumstance.
Please take some time now and help shape the future of visual computing for game development
Thank you!
The Research Team at Evans Data Corp
Evans Data Corp
615 Mission Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
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