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DK DailyTeach Newsletter - August 31, 2010 - Teaching Seed Growth & Cultivation

Calif. Rare Fruit Growers Meet To Swap Seeds, Tips

DK Daily Teach

August 31, 2010

Teachable Moments

Calif. Rare Fruit Growers Meet To Swap Seeds, Tips

POMONA, Calif. (AP) — Persimmon grower Jim Bathgate handed out tiny yellow peaches to others at the California Rare Fruit Growers' annual "Festival of Fruit" and watched with anticipation as they bit into the sweet and juicy flesh.  The fruit grew on a peach tree that sprouted accidentally in Bathgate's persimmon grove, and he eagerly collected the sticky pits to plant more. 


Classroom Connection

What Are the Parts of a Seed?

(Gr. 6–12) This science printable about plants challenges students to identify the parts of a seed and the stages of germination.

Investigate Activity: Observing Fruits and Seeds

(Gr. 3) Students examine fruits and seeds and make inferences about the relationship between them.

Explore Activity: Experiment with Seeds

(Gr. K) Students draw pictures to show what happens to seeds in different situations.

What Is Inside a Seed?

(Gr. 2) Students dissect a lima bean seed to observe its parts.

How Do Seeds Grow?

(Gr. 2–5) Students will plant various seeds to observe them grow.

Art and Seeds

(Gr. Pre-K–1) Students use seeds in various arts and crafts projects.

Day in History Day in history

August 31, 1887

Thomas Edison received a patent for his "Kinetoscope," and moving pictures were born.


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Maria Monetessori (1870–1952)

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